I've been working on a 2d retro style game for a few months when ever I had spare time or when i felt like it. this is the first time I post any work in progress. I have the design doc completed and I have been working on creating the art assets along with the main programming(ai, hud,etc). anyway here are some screens from the current WIP
Breakable blocks,pickup items, money, health
I have one small boss completed and a boss health bar
elevators and switches
small enemies
NPC and character interactions. speech box
pause / inventory screen
store inventory
ability to save and load
so far the character is playable. you can switch weapons, buy weapons, some NPC interactions are possible, small enemies will attack player, player can fight small enemies and currently one boss. hud keeps track of money, health, ammo, which weapon is equip, etc. player can buy items, pause the game check inventory, save the game and load a saved game. I still have a lot of work ahead.
I am mainly trying to create a playable vertical slice. once that's completed I am planning on taking it further added more areas and worlds. i eventually want a full and complete game